Sunday, September 30, 2007

This is a test...

I'm trying out Windows Live Writer...this is only a test. You may not return to your regularly scheduled reading of blogs.

1 comment:

  1. Jon & Chelle,
    Hey! Since it's been awhile since you posted that GREAT church news, I thought I'd post on this blog entry, but we wanted to agree with you of how wonderful that news is! SO ENCOURAGING! We know, for a fact, that you have toiled and worked over your church and have truly prepared for a harvest! So may God continue to bless your labors of love and may your church grow and grow with babes in Christ! 61?!? That is AWESOME! You guys keep encouraged! The Lord is using you RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE for HIS glory! PS Tell Chelle to get on her blog! :-) Blessings!
