Monday, January 16, 2006

Long time no blog...

It's been a long time since I've posted anything - not that anyone cares because I doubt seriously that anyone ever reads this or even cares...

Anyways, there has been a lot of things going on the past few weeks since I last posted. Of course there was Christmas - we went to see my parents in Ohio. Last week was our Conference Ministerial which was very interesting - perhaps more on this later.

The big news is that as of last night, we have decided to no longer have Sunday School on Sunday mornings at my church. The reason for the change is mostly due to our bus ministry. Since last September we have been operating a bus ministry here at the church which has been very exciting and successful. We have seen several parents come and have had one of the parents get saved. However, there have been some problems.

What we had been doing is picking up the children and bringing them in for Sunday School. They would be in the main sanctuary for the opening of Sunday School (prayer, song, etc) and would then go to their classes. Due to the fact that we are a small church, we don't have a whole lot of personnel to help out a lot with the Bus ministry. Most of the responsibility for it falls on my wife, my sister, and I. Anyways, we had a little bit of discipline problems during the Sunday school time, and things were generally just a little bit hectic. I thought it would be better if we could just do away with Sunday school for them all together.

After Sunday School, the kids would be in the main service until after the singing, then they would go to Kids Church. This of course was disruptive to the main service. All in all, I felt that having them at church for Sunday School and Kids Church was just too long. We couldn't take them home during the service like some churches do, due to the fact that I'm the bus driver. Anyways, to make a long story short, I felt that we should move our Sunday School to Sunday evening and just start the morning service at 10:30 instead of our normal 10:00 for SS and 10:45 for Morning Worship. Now, on Sunday evenings we will be starting at 5:30 instead of 6:00 an dwill be having Sunday School from 5:30-6:15 and then beginning the evening service.

I'm excited about it, because I feel like that at times Sunday School on Sunday morning can take away from the regular service somewhat. By time the people have set through SS they are tired after having gotten up early etc. I feel like the Sunday morning service is the most important service (all are important don't get me wrong), and I usually have most of my unsaved people on Sunday morning.

Anyways, I hope that this is going to help fix several problems, and be beneficial to the entire church. We'll see...We're trying this on a trial basis until March to see if it works. I hope so...

1 comment:

  1. I care! I care! :-)
    Hello from your old PVBI boys dorm comrade in arms.
    It will be interesting to see how your experiment with Sunday School works out. God bless, and have a great morning.
