Friday, July 14, 2006

Why I'm not Anglican part 2

In the most recent Time magazine Katharine Jefferts Schori who is the new head of the Episcopal Church in the U.S.A. was interviewed. I discovered several more reasons why I am not Anglican.

  • She was asked, "What will be your focus as head of the U.S. church? Her answer had nothing to do with evangelising the millions who are headed to hell. Her answer was: "Our focus needs to be on feeding people who go to bed hungry, on providing primary education to girls and boys, on healing people with AIDS, on addressing tuberculosis and malaria, on sustainable development. That ought to be the primary focus."
  • She was asked, "The issue of gay bishops has been so divisive. The diocese of Newark, N.J., has named a gay man as one of its candidates for bishop. Is now the time to elect another gay bishop?" Her answer? "Dioceses, when they are faithful, call the person who is best suited to lead them. I believe every diocese does the best job it's capable of in discerning who it is calling to leadership."

  • She was asked, "What is your view on intelligent design?" Instead of taking the opportunity to affirm what the Bible teaches, she replied, "I firmly believe that evolution ought to be taught in the schools as the best witness of what modern science has taught us. To try to read the Bible literalistically about such issues disinvites us from using the best of recent scholarship.

  • Finally, this one will make your head explode. She was asked, "Is belief in Jesus the only way to get to heaven? Her answer, "We who practice the Christian tradition understand him as our vehicle to the divine. But for us to assume that God could not act in other ways is, I think, to put God in an awfully small box."

It is unbelievable that someone who claims to be a Christian and to follow Christ and the Bible could respond to this questions in this way. I can't believe that any church would allow such an individual to be their pastor let alone to head up the entire denomination! So, this is more reasons why I am not an Angelican.

To read the entire interview in Time magazine click here.

By the way, I have no particular axe to grind with the Anglican church, it just has been in the news a lot recently...and I am outraged that anyone could claim to be a Christian and believe some of these things. The media just loves these liberals - they hold them up as "examples" for how all "Christians" should be...

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